Circle Canoe Games

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Design Tip 002

Board Game Design Tip 002 - Work on just 1 game at a time.

This tip may go against the grain for you, but all I can say is the moment I committed to working on and finishing a single game, rather than simultaneously working on multiple ideas, I saw a huge leap in my success rate (and my enthusiasm!) The big idea here is that what we need most early on in our game design hobby is simply experience finishing some games. So pick something you're enthusiastic about, but more importantly, pick something you know you can finish relatively quickly!

This is one of the reasons I made Finish This Game design projects. They give you a quick jump off point to take a basic game idea and polish it off in your own way so you can get more practice actually finishing a game design.


The Game Maker's Journal

Finish This Game: Game 001 Project